• 発電機 [Vintage] [Rare Color?][Immovable] [Delivery Free]Around1990 HONDA HIPPO(Series) PORTABLE GENERATOR EX900 BLACK(color) [tag6666]
  • 発電機 [Vintage] [Rare Color?][Immovable] [Delivery Free]Around1990 HONDA HIPPO(Series) PORTABLE GENERATOR EX900 BLACK(color) [tag6666]
  • 発電機 [Vintage] [Rare Color?][Immovable] [Delivery Free]Around1990 HONDA HIPPO(Series) PORTABLE GENERATOR EX900 BLACK(color) [tag6666]
  • 発電機 [Vintage] [Rare Color?][Immovable] [Delivery Free]Around1990 HONDA HIPPO(Series) PORTABLE GENERATOR EX900 BLACK(color) [tag6666]
  • 発電機 [Vintage] [Rare Color?][Immovable] [Delivery Free]Around1990 HONDA HIPPO(Series) PORTABLE GENERATOR EX900 BLACK(color) [tag6666]
  • 発電機 [Vintage] [Rare Color?][Immovable] [Delivery Free]Around1990 HONDA HIPPO(Series) PORTABLE GENERATOR EX900 BLACK(color) [tag6666]
  • 発電機 [Vintage] [Rare Color?][Immovable] [Delivery Free]Around1990 HONDA HIPPO(Series) PORTABLE GENERATOR EX900 BLACK(color) [tag6666]
  • 発電機 [Vintage] [Rare Color?][Immovable] [Delivery Free]Around1990 HONDA HIPPO(Series) PORTABLE GENERATOR EX900 BLACK(color) [tag6666]
  • 発電機 [Vintage] [Rare Color?][Immovable] [Delivery Free]Around1990 HONDA HIPPO(Series) PORTABLE GENERATOR EX900 BLACK(color) [tag6666]
  • 発電機 [Vintage] [Rare Color?][Immovable] [Delivery Free]Around1990 HONDA HIPPO(Series) PORTABLE GENERATOR EX900 BLACK(color) [tag6666]
  • 発電機 [Vintage] [Rare Color?][Immovable] [Delivery Free]Around1990 HONDA HIPPO(Series) PORTABLE GENERATOR EX900 BLACK(color) [tag6666]
【送料無料/新品】  [Delivery Color?][Immovable] [Rare [Vintage] 発電機 Free]Around1990 [tag6666] BLACK(color) EX900 GENERATOR PORTABLE HIPPO(Series) HONDA 発電機
  • 当日発送
  • 送料無料

【送料無料/新品】 [Delivery Color?][Immovable] [Rare [Vintage] 発電機 Free]Around1990 [tag6666] BLACK(color) EX900 GENERATOR PORTABLE HIPPO(Series) HONDA 発電機

販売価格 :


獲得ポイント :

【送料無料/新品】 [Delivery Color?][Immovable] [Rare [Vintage] 発電機 Free]Around1990 [tag6666] BLACK(color) EX900 GENERATOR PORTABLE HIPPO(Series) HONDA 発電機
販売価格:¥48600 税込


※ 商品のお届けについてはこちらよりご確認ください。

SHOPPING が販売、発送いたします。

当日発送可 (14:00までのご注文が対象)

  • ご注文内容・出荷状況によっては当日発送できない場合もございます。


  • ポストにお届け / 一点のみ購入でご利用可能です。


We also sell over-the-counter products in parallel, so they may be out of stock. In that case, in the case of a bid before the successful bid is confirmed, the listing will be canceled immediately (of course, the monetary and evaluation burden is ours). Since it may be out of stock after the successful bid is confirmed, please refrain from depositing to the inventory confirmation email from us. We apologize for the inconvenience, but in that case, we will not be able to refund more than the amount after deducting the operating system fee (priority item).
We apologize for the inconvenience, but thank you for your understanding.

[Vintage] [immobility [shipping included] Around 1990 HONDA HIPPO PORTABLE GENERATOR EX900 BLACK (color) Honda portable
I purchased it in preparation for a power outage around 1990, but since it has never been used for an actual child, it has not been used for several hours (within 2 hours in total), so it is almost new as an engine engine. Generator EX900 50-60 kilohertz with frequency switching mechanism.
Garage storage with shutters from the time of purchase. However, rust is progressing on the upper surface due to dust that has accumulated.
Black may not be seen so much, so it may be rare. The oil has been purchased up to the middle level.
The starter cable can only be pulled about 5 mm.
The lid of the fuel tank is normally opened manually, but rust is progressing inside the lid.
Enclosed genuine plug wrench.

Official manufacturer site. 

Another sample photo site address. When viewed in slide mode, you can see in higher definition than the sample on this site. When you use the download original mode, you can see the original size without deterioration.

In simple settlement, payment processing will not be performed if there is no receipt contact, so please contact us once the product has arrived.
Please give me payment within three days after a successful bid. Please refrain from bidding when it is judged that it takes more than that.
If you do not settle within the time limit, it will be canceled by the successful bidder convenience. Please note that "very bad" evaluation is automatically attached from the operation.
Although we have carefully classified the state of the product, it may be different from the viewer because it is based on personal subjectivity. Please prioritize the attached sample photo.
Please refrain from cancellation after it makes a successful bid for any reason. Please refrain from a successful bid when there is the fear.
Please note in advance that we can not bear all responsibility, including all liability regarding transactions.
When it seems that it will take some time to check the stock, please be aware that we may be in touch with you to wait for the payment a little.
If you can not ship for some reason after payment, we will correspond by payment to the specified account with 10% of the total amount paid and 10% as a nuisance fee.
Please note that you are not allowed to bid on new persons, although you are completely selfish.
Although there is a thing in which a clock or a calendar is reflected in a photograph, it is an information tag for management of a seller. It has nothing to do with the product.

[ヴィンテージ][不可動品 [送料込み]Around 1990 HONDA HIPPO PORTABLE GENERATOR EX900 BLACK(color) ホンダ 携帯用
1990年頃停電に備えて購入しましたが一度も実子用で使ったこと無いので回した時間は数時間(総計でも2時間以内)もありませんのでエンジン機関としてはほぼ新品です。発電機EX900 50-60キロヘルツ周波数切り替え機構付き。




グレーの背景紙で使用しているのはNikon 18%標準反射板(A3 Size)です。

In simple settlement, payment process will not be performed if there is no receipt notification, so please contact us when you receive the item.
Please make payment within 3 days after it makes a successful bid. Please refrain from bidding if it is judged that it will take longer.
If payment is not made within the time limit (7 days) for easy payment, it will be canceled due to the highest bidder convenience. Please note that the rating will be "very bad" automatically from the operation.
Please refrain from canceling after it makes a successful bid for any reason. Please refrain from making a successful bid if there is a concern.
We classify the state of the products with great care, but the judgment is based on individual subjectivity, so there may be differences with the viewers. Please give priority to the attached sample photos and judge.
Please note that we may contact you to wait for a short deposit when it seems that checking inventory may take some time.
We also carry out store sales in parallel, so inventory may be out of stock. If we run out of stock, we will stop selling immediately, but if it can not be shipped for some reason after payment, such as when it is not in time, we will add the full amount paid and 10% of the start price as a nuisance fee The contract will be completed by depositing money into the specified account.
In addition, please refrain from bidding of new ones.
Please let us know when you do not need both evaluations.
The transparent stick in the picture on the easel is an acrylic stick for fixing the exhibit. Since the tip is chamfered, the product is not damaged.
Please note that we cannot take all responsibility including all defects responsibility about transaction.
Although we pay careful attention to storage, posters and paper products may have some folds or folds even if they are unused in the corners and the surrounding area. Please use the high-definition mode on another site, or download mode for paper products if possible.
The Nikon 18% standard reflector (A3 Size) is used for the gray background paper.
There is a thing with a clock or calendar in the photo, but it is an information tag for the seller's management. It has nothing to do with the product.
In addition, if there is a price revision, we plan to do it once a month.
[Tagxxxx] at the end of the title is a management tag. It has nothing to do with the product.
[First appearance]

[First appearance :Unknown time]
3f sf


Vintage Honda AC/DC Portable Generator | eBay
Vintage Honda AC/DC Portable Generator | eBay
Vintage Honda AC/DC Portable Generator
Vintage Honda AC/DC Portable Generator
Amazon.com: Honda Portable Generator - 10,000 Surge Watts, Model
Amazon.com: Honda Portable Generator - 10,000 Surge Watts, Model
Honda - SteadyPower.com
Honda - SteadyPower.com
Honda - SteadyPower.com
Honda - SteadyPower.com



384459-20210910-00108707 迅速な配送ありがとうございます。 非常時用の購入ですが、早速オイルとガソリン(携行缶での購入が京都の件があって2軒目での購入)を購入し試運転しました。 手順が横に記載されているが同系色のため少し見ずらかったが無事始動することができました。

  • nana19304327
  • 31歳
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  • クチコミ投稿 1件


注文番号384459−20210920−00119720 届きました! 色々探していました! 欲しかったので嬉しいです!

  • クマたん077171
  • 39歳
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  • クチコミ投稿 1件


注文番号:384459-20210916-00116713 発電機は既に持っていますが、今回追加で購入しました。 本体は思っていた通り小さく持ち運ぶには丁度良いです。主に夜間の照明にしか使わないので非常に満足です。

  • jasmine120
  • 27歳
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  • ジュン4445
  • 35歳
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  • HISASHI1973
  • 43歳
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最初は、ポータブルバッテリーを考えていましたが、アウトドアと防災を考えて、発電機を重視する様になりホンダの発電機と思っていましたが、安くても10万必要でしたが、半値で購入出来ました。 性能も変わらず、エコモード機能も有り、ホンダと変わらない良い製品だと思います。 災害時対応で個人購入しましたが、災害時で使用しないのが一番ですが、装備して商品の良さをいろんな方に伝えたいと思います。

  • やっさん5545
  • 31歳
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まさにこの性能でこの価格は、買いです。 思った以上に音も静かで、操作もわかりやすいです。デザインもカッコよくて大変満足しています。

  • たむ0145
  • 39歳
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近所のホームセンターで台車を買ってきて、載せて使っている。使用用途は、電動工具と 非常用だが音のやかましいのは想定内。むしろ、意外におとなしい。普通に使えている。 このサイズの発電機を買った目的の溶接機の稼働はまだできていないが余裕で行けそう。

  • やすびっつ
  • 27歳
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384459-20210915-00262811 今のところ絶好調です。

  • ukiukigogo
  • 35歳
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